Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pinning & Winning!

Yesterday my daughter came inside saying to me ..."mom I want to win too, tell Levi to let me win."  Wow don't we all feel that way as adults every once in awhile?

 I can tell you after a solid week of Christmas shopping, I'd like to win a good parking spot. Close parking spots are like gold this time of year. If I find a good parking spot at the mall, then it pretty much sets the tone for the whole shopping trip.  I feel like I'm "Winning"!

Here's what I've pinned lately ...... there wasn't a source attached, I'll just call her "brilliant mom"!
and here's my knock off monster jean hole man for my lil man....

more like abominable snowman- monster
This is the walrus look with a lil saliva (glue smear), and the finger is my 5yr old pointing out that this monster probably should only have 1 eye.  He's so right. Why did I not consult a monster pair of jeans needs to have a Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc.

Interesting egg news...our chickens are laying larger than normal eggs lately .big. beautiful. eggs.  We have had them for about 1 1/2 years and they seem pretty happy. Maybe it's the pancakes or lately they've been eating leftover cuties...little oranges. hmmmm

Happy Friday!

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